Super Gigantic Garage Sale – FAQ for Sellers How do I sign up? Please review the Seller page here, or email Valerie Ballantine
What is the difference between a residential, direct sales, and commercial seller? Residential sellers are those selling goods from their homes and those sellers who seek out unique items for resale. Direct Sales are those sellers representing a company such as Tupperware, Avon, Mary Kay, Scentsy, etc. Artisans and Crafters are also included in this category. We limit the number of sellers for this category. Commercial Sellers are those representing a corporation offering goods or services. We limit the number of sellers for this category.
Can I show up and pay on the day of the sale? No -- spaces must be reserved and paid for in advance. We sell out quickly, so don’t delay!!
Can I sell on just one of the sale days? All sellers are required to participate in the sale on both days. Many attendees shop on Saturday and return Sunday for more deals!
Where is my space? Spaces are assigned ahead of time and are given to each seller at check-in. You purchase the space not a table.
When can I set up? Sellers may set up on the Friday before the sale, from 10am – 7pm. Additional time is also available for set-up and restocking, 1 hour before opening each day*. *A representative for each space MUST check in at the exhibitor desk either on Friday, or at least 30 minutes before opening Saturday morning. Otherwise, you will be considered a no-show and your space will be reassigned. (for example, If you show up for the first time to check in 29 or less minutes prior to sale opening, your space may not be available). (Schedule subject to Change)
Can I cancel? Yes, you may cancel at any time, however all payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
How big are the spaces? Spaces are 8 feet deep by 13’ wide. They are sized to fit three 8’ tables in a U shape. Click Here to see a Space Layout.
Can I bring my own tables, or do I rent them? Yes – you can bring your own tables. You can also rent tables from the facility. To rent tables, please refer to the application to order in advance at a discounted rate. Prices go up if you wait to rent a few days before the show or at the facility.
Do you have porters or carts available for move-in and move-out? We try to have a few carts for use during move-in and move-out which are loaned on a first come, first served basis. To secure a cart, please bring your Driver’s License to the exhibitor services desk and request a cart. We will keep your license until you return the cart. ***Due to insurance restrictions we can not provide porters - please bring your own manpower!
What can I sell? You can sell most items that you would typically sell at a home garage sale. Buyers look for a variety of items – household items, electronics, toys, clothing, shoes, collectibles, sports memorabilia and equipment, furniture, jewelry, man cave stuff, art, purses, new items, vintage, antiques, primitives, car parts, baby equipment, home décor.
What can’t I sell? Food & beverage sales, mattresses, pornography, flammable gasses/liquids/solids, guns, firearms, ammunition, and drug paraphernalia are not allowed. Knives must be pre-approved.
What is the average attendance? Attendance varies from show to show but has been averaging ~ 5,000 shoppers.
Where can I get change for large bills? We strongly suggest that you bring plenty of change and small bills. Neither concessions, show management, nor the box office has the capacity to make change throughout the weekend as they are getting larger bills as well.